Time with dramaturgs is some of my favorite! At this year's LMDA Digital Conference, I will be a presenter on two sessions. I've compiled anecdotal research and laid down a path to some further research needed about the experience of being an early career dramaturg in my very first!! solo conference session called Where We're At: The ECD Crossroads. Helping rebuild the education to employment path for dramaturgy is something I am eager to lend a hand in, so I curated this session's contents from the Early Career Dramaturgy Affinity Space as a way to create a common vocabulary and brainstorm next steps for dramaturgs at an early career crossroads. You can catch this session asynchronously on Day 1, Thursday, February 1, at the LMDA Digital Conference website. The Digital Development Project is also making a conference appearance next weekend!Alongside my fellow DDP dramaturgs, we will be sharing our new initiative as an inspiration for creating spaces for early career dramaturgs and emerging playwrights to collaborate as well as overcoming physical location barriers to dramaturgy. You can catch our session, Digital Dramaturgy Project: A Process-oriented Crossroad for Emerging/Establishing Playwrights and Dramaturgs, on Digital Conference Day 3 from 1:45pm to 2:30pm EST in a synchronous Zoom session.
As part of the inaugural phase of DDP, I have had a space to work with playwrights and actually practice dramaturgy! In the fall of 2023, I worked with three playwrights on the development of their plays, all at different stages in their careers and plays at different stages of development. This initiative is playwright-focused, meaning I tailored each playwright's dramaturgical consultations to what their goals and needs were. One play resulted in a staged reading and finalized draft for performance, one in a more whole draft to submit to new play festivals and incubators, and one finally knew what questions she needed to ask to continue writing her draft. All of these feel like beautiful, collaborative acts of dramaturgy, and I am grateful to each playwright for allowing me to work closely with their plays and their own practice. I'd love to uplift these playwrights and their plays below!